Mange jazzsaxofonisters åpenbare førstevalg. Rico Select Jazz har en sterk, veldefinert kjerne
og en lengre slipt toppprofil, noe som gir en enestående projeksjon og en klar fet tone med uovertruffen fleksibilitet og rask respons.
Hardhet fra 2 Soft til 4 Hard.
Filed eller unfiled.
- Hver pakke inneholder 5 fliser

Her er en forklaring på forskjellen mellom filed og unfiled::
An option to fine-tune the sound, the file is often preferred by players who use traditional, moderately resistant, dark-sounding mouthpieces– the file helps such mouthpieces blow more freely.
For those who play relatively easy-blowing, moderate-to-bright mouthpieces (especially jazz or pop sax mouthpieces with a high baffle), an unfiled reed is usually preferred.
The French File (or “file”) is the area behind the vamp (or cut portion) where the bark is sanded
off in a straight line.
The File-
- Provides ease of response, especially in the low register… …making soft attacks easier.
- Also makes the tone slightly brighter… …for use with resistant mouthpieces.
An unfiled reed provides a darker tone and more resistance; a filed reed provides a brighter tone and is more free-blowing.
Recommended use of filed or unfiled reeds for common sax mouthpieces:
• Meyer
• Otto Link
• Selmer rubber
• Dukoff
• Beechler
• Selmer metal
• Guardala
• Berg Larsen